COMETE PhD Workshop


The COMETE (COMputer SciEnce DeparTmEnt) PhD Workshop is a full-day event dedicated to PhD students of the Computer Science department, of the University of Turin. This workshop represents an opportunity for PhD students to present themselves and their research, and to share their knowledge in a scientific and stimulating context.

Register here

Structure of the event

During the workshop, there will be some keynote sessions held by invited speakers, presentation sessions, pitch talks and also a poster session held by PhD students. The scientific core of the event will be accompanied by coffee breaks, lunch and moments of conviviality to exchange ideas, opinions and thoughts. At the end of the day, the participants are invited to a closing Aperitivo.

Program of the day

The full program is also available in pdf (coming soon).

09:00 – 09:10Welcome by Organizing Committee and Institutional Greetings
09:10 – 10:45Session A (1h35)
Keynote Presentation 1 (45m)
PhD Talk 1 (25 min)
PhD Talk 2 (25 min)
10:45 – 11:10Coffee break (25m)
11:10 – 12:45Session B (1h35m)
Keynote presentation 2(45m)
PhD Talk 3 (25 min)
PhD Talk 4 (25 min)
12:45 – 14:00Lunch (1h15m)
14:00 – 15:30Session C (1h30m)
Pitch Presentations (30m)
Posters (60m)
15:30 – 16:00Coffee break (30m)
16:00-17:15Social Activity and Brainstorming (60 min)
Closing Remarks (15 min)
17:30Aperitivo (Circolo dei lettori)

Invited speakers

Francesco Bronzino, Ph.D.

Associate Professor – École Normale Supérieure de Lyon

To Be Announced


Location: Auditorium, Complesso Aldo Moro, Piazzale Aldo Moro, Torino

When: Friday 4th of April 2023

Organizing Committee

  • Attilio Fiandrotti
  • Anna Sapienza
  • Marco Beccuti
  • Roberto Aringhieri
  • Riccardo Renzulli
  • Soda Marem Lo
  • Giulia Ruffini
  • Alessandro Druetto


Riccardo Renzulli:

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